ガラス、金属、プラスチックなどに自由に書けます。糸を引いて、軸に巻かれた紙を切るタイプの色鉛筆です。 ●色鉛筆 ●色:みずいろ ●紙箱入 ●入数:12本 ●丸軸 Electric car ?Home Special core adoption can be written to such as glass metal plastic and vinyl. This is a pencil type to cut paper wrapped on the shaft pulling the strings. -Core colors: Blue-cigarette axis-quantity: 12 Jan:4902778005606 ? Body weight (kg):0.129 ◆ more interior width (mm): 54 ◆ pieces exterior depth (mm): 185 ? pieces exterior height (mm): 20 ◆ pieces weight (kg):0.14
Electric car
?Home Special core adoption can be written to such as glass metal plastic and vinyl. This is a pencil type to cut paper wrapped on the shaft pulling the strings. -Core colors: Blue-cigarette axis-quantity: 12
? Body weight (kg):0.129 ◆ more interior width (mm): 54 ◆ pieces exterior depth (mm): 185 ? pieces exterior height (mm): 20 ◆ pieces weight (kg):0.14