How to Get a DNA Test While Pregnant At Home? (2024) | Genetics Ancestry


Getting a DNA test while pregnant can provide valuable information for various reasons, that may include establishing ancestry line and family history, knowing genetic predisposition to certain illnesses, or simply satisfying personal curiosity. However, not all genetic testing services in the market are created equal. If you are pregnant, you should be especially cautious about choosing a DNA test. 

Although plenty of information is available about genetic testing in general, less information is available about getting tested while pregnant. In this article, we discuss the safety of DNA testing while pregnant, what kind of testing is correct while pregnant, and finally compare one service to other industry-leading DNA tests. By the end of this article, you will know exactly what to look for in a DNA test while pregnant.

Types of DNA test while Pregnant

Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity (NIPP) Testing

  • Method: To ascertain paternity, cell-free fetal DNA in the mother’s blood is analyzed.
  • Accuracy: Very accurate; findings are usually obtained in a few weeks.
  • Providers: Search for certified labs or medical facilities that perform NIPP testing services.

Thanks to recent developments in prenatal genetic testing, a physician can now extract a fetus’s DNA from the expectant woman by simply taking a blood sample from her arm. There is no risk to the developing fetus and this procedure is much the same as any other blood sample.

After that, the mother’s blood is transferred to a specialized genetics lab where some of the fetus’ DNA or occasionally even fetal cells are extracted! Because the fetus receives nutrition from the mother’s blood, there is a shared blood supply between the mother and the fetus, which makes it feasible for some of the fetus’ DNA and cells to be discovered circulating in the mother’s blood. Genetic testing for one or more suspected disorders can be carried out after the fetal DNA has been collected. The fetus’s genes are directly analyzed in this kind of examination.

If a thorough screening is carried out for any possible genetic illnesses that could impact the unborn child, this type of testing is known as Noninvasive Prenatal Screening.

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  • Invasive Prenatal Testing

  • Procedure: invasive methods that involve placental tissue (CVS) or amniotic fluid (amniocentesis) collection for genetic testing.
  • Goal: Evaluate fetal abnormalities or genetic diseases.
  • Risks: Although these treatments are usually safe, there is a little chance of miscarriage.

Amniocentesis: This is how fetal DNA is traditionally obtained. Usually, between weeks 15 and 20, the procedure is carried out. A needle is inserted by the obstetrician into the amniotic sac and into the womb. After that, the doctor extracts a little amount of amniotic fluid—which contains floating fetal cells—and sends it to a lab. After removing the fetal cells and purifying the DNA, the laboratory can use the fetal DNA for genetic testing. This makes it possible to evaluate the fetus’s genes directly. The technique carries a tiny risk of miscarriage because a needle is being put into the amniotic sac.

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS): Comparable to amniocentesis, this procedure can be carried out sooner, typically during weeks 11 and 14 of pregnancy. A needle is inserted into the placenta by the obstetrician, who then extracts some of the cells. After that, the cells are submitted to a lab, where the DNA is extracted from the cells and used for genetic testing. The fetus’s genes can be directly tested thanks to CSV. There exists a slim possibility that CVS could result in miscarriage because it also entails the insertion of a needle into the uterus.

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Reasons to Get a Paternity Test while Pregnant

You might desire a paternity test while you’re pregnant for a few different reasons. This comprises:

  • Having peace of mind: Finding out who the father is before having a kid might provide comfort if you are unsure about the paternity of your unborn child.
  • Creating a kid’s legal rights: Determining a parent’s identity can be helpful in resolving issues with child support, inheritance, Social Security benefits, and custody and visitation schedules.
  • Cost of Paternity Testing Services
  • Finding out more about a child’s medical background: paternity testing might provide additional details regarding a child’s medical background. For example, you might discover that your child’s health may be impacted by genetic diseases that have links to the paternal side of the family.

    Accuracy of  DNA Paternity Tests

    The majority of DNA paternity testing is quite accurate. According to one study, out of 20 samples examined with fetal cell-free DNA—that is, DNA taken from the pregnant mother through a blood test—100% of the samples accurately identified the biological father as the father of the child. 99.95% of the 36,400 tests that utilized an unrelated guy as the putative father correctly excluded paternity (0.05% were indeterminate, but no tests were inaccurate).

    Cost of Paternity Testing Services

The price of paternity testing during pregnancy might differ based on several aspects, such as the testing provider, the type of test (at-home versus legal, following legal chain-of-custody norms), and the number of prospective fathers being evaluated. In general, testing costs can range anywhere from a couple hundred to a couple thousand dollars. Medical insurance typically does not cover the cost of paternity testing.

Few Drawbacks To DNA/Paternity Testing during pregnancy

DNA testing has certain possible disadvantages. The most prevalent one is the concern over receiving false results. As was previously indicated, mingling of the father’s and mother’s DNA might lead to erroneous results from DNA testing conducted during pregnancy. Postpartum DNA testing eliminates the possibility of inaccurate results resulting from DNA mixing during foetal development. The price of DNA testing is another possible disadvantage. The cost of a DNA test can vary based on the facility you use. And last, some may consider DNA testing to be a privacy violation. They can believe that the identity of their child’s father is unimportant.

How and where get you test done

Selecting a Provider: – Speak with a Healthcare Professional:  To decide on the best course of action, talk about your options with your genetic counsellor or obstetrician.

  • Accreditation: To guarantee accurate and trustworthy results, choose accredited clinics or laboratories.
  • Cost: Take into account the test’s price and if your insurance will pay for it.
  • Consultation: Make an appointment to talk about the process, possible risks, and results with the selected physician.
  • Health Assessment: Submit pertinent medical history and take any required pre-test examinations.
  • Consent: Fill out consent documents and acknowledge that the test results have consequences.

Considerations Post DNA Test

  • Interpreting the Results: To properly comprehend and interpret the results, wait for them to come in and speak with your healthcare physician.
  • Emotional Support: Seek out family, friends, or professional counseling, particularly if the outcome has a big impact.
  • Next Actions:  Plan appropriately for future medical care, legal considerations, and other matters based on the results. 

Comparison among different Testing service Providers

Service Providers 23andMe AncestryDNA Nebula Genomics
DNA testing Method Saliva Saliva Cheek-swab
Sample collection procedure Microarray-based genotyping Microarray-based genotyping Whole Genome Sequencing (30x coverage)
Information available through test Information about Ancestry, traits, health Information about Ancestry, health Weekly information based on the latest research, data exploration tools, deep ancestry reports.
Data Access available Yes

23andMe file format


AncestryDNA file format


FASTQ, BAM, and VCF files format

Price range $99, $199, or $499 $99 or $149 $0 – $299



parental testing


If you follow the right instructions and prepare yourself, getting a DNA test while pregnant can be a simple process. The first stages in determining genetic risks or establishing paternity are knowing your options and selecting a reliable supplier. Accurate findings and a seamless experience can be ensured by carefully weighing the implications and consulting with healthcare specialists. Expectant parents can confidently and clearly manage the process of DNA testing during pregnancy by adhering to these instructions.

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