How to Find a Adoption Records For Free? (2024) | Genetics Ancestry

Adoption Records For Free

Adoption is a term used to describe the condition of a person or couple who takes responsibility
as parents towards children who are not their biological children. Adoption can be done formally and
informally, formally adoption will be done through a legal process by transferring the legal obligations
of biological parents to adoptive parents, while informally adoptive parents will usually care for adopted
children affectionately without a valid legal agreement.

Formal adoption generally has several procedures that tend to be more complicated, which are
as follows;
1. Submission of an application for adoption by prospective adoptive parents to the Ministry of
Social Affairs or similar institutions through Yayasaan or related organizations.
2. The verification and selection process of prospective adoptive parents, selection can be in the form
of completeness of documents, eligibility of residence, medical history of prospective adoptive
parents, criminal records of prospective adoptive parents, etc.
3. Permission to care for prospective adoptive parents, permission is usually given in a short time as
a probation period where in this stage the adoptive parents will still be supervised by social
institutions to ensure whether they are eligible or not.
4. Giving Decisions and confirmation, namely giving Decisions related to whether or not to approve
adoption permits.

adoption records

Legal adoption

Legal adoption will provide benefits for adoptive parents and adopted children, where legally
adopted children are entitled to legal status as biological children so that they are entitled to all assets
owned by adoptive parents, and have clear protection of rights as children according to law. As for
adoptive parents, legal adoption will provide clear legal certainty as legal parents, so that if in the future
biological parents are not entitled to take back adopted children. Legal adoption prosecution is also
advantageous because it has a clear and legitimate adoption record.

How to Find Ohio Adoption Record? (2024)

Documents for Child Birth Certificate

Adoption records are documents that contain information related to the identity of adopted
children. The information should at least contain the identity of the biological mother of the adopted
child and the child’s birth certificate. Adoption records have many types depending on the
circumstances, time, and place. Examples of adoption records are birth certificates, court documents,
hospital documents, adoption agency/foundation records, church records, census records, medical
records, post-adoption agreements etc. This adoption record serves to clarify the relationship of family
tree or usually known as family tree.

To see the clarity of the status of family members who have been adopted, especially ancestors,
adoption records are needed as follows;
1. Birth certificates, in some countries adopted children usually have two birth certificates, the
original certificate that lists the names of the biological parents, and the new certificate that
lists the names of the adoptive parents.
2. Court documents, documents in the form of attorney records, as well as court records
containing adoption permits.
3. Census records, in censuses adopted children are usually registered as non-biological children.
4. Will, which is a letter left by parents stating the status of adopted children.
5. Family records, every family usually has records containing information about family
members, but these records tend to be legally doubtful if they are not accompanied by legally
valid evidence.

Why Adoption Records are Useful?

Adoption records are also useful for seeing status clarity to deceased family members. Some
adoption records that can be used are as follows;
1. Hospital records, are birth records that contain information on the baby’s date, gender, and
mother who gave birth.
2. Post-adoption agreement, which is a formal agreement between biological parents and
adoptive parents.
3. Court documents, which are documents containing legally valid adoption permits, these
documents also contain the identities of biological parents, adoptive parents and adopted

Adoption records will generally be in the form of physical / printed documents, but along with the
development of technology some adoption records such as adoption permits from the court, hospital
records, post-adoption agreement letters, adoption agency records, can be in the form of non-physical
documents and can be accessed online through government institutions and related institutions that have
been licensed, so that confidentiality, authenticity and data security can be guaranteed.
To view adoption records online for free, each institution usually has its own requirements, for

1. Court Decision

It is an official record that is usually issued by government legal institutions, so to be able to access
this record online, you must submit a permit application letter which includes your identity and
logical reasons, the application letter must also be official and can be accounted for through a notary.

2. Birth certificate from the hospital

It is a baby’s birth record that contains the identity of the baby and his biological mother. This record
is issued by the hospital so that to be able to access data online, the applicant must have permission
from the relevant hospital and include legal personal data such as identity cards, as well as special
reasons for accessing this record.

3. Adoption Agency Records

These records are usually issued by adoption agencies (which can be Foundations, orphanages, or
humanitarian organizations). To be able to access this data, the applicant must be able to show his
identity officially.

4. The International Soundex Reunion Registry

It is an organization that can be used for adoption reunions with mutual consent, where biological
family members can write down their children’s information through the consent of the adoptive


Adoption is the process of transferring legal obligations from biological parents to
adoptive parents, where the adoption process requires several adoption documents that must be owned
by all three parties, namely adoptive parents, biological parents, and adopted children. This adoption
record document has various benefits, one of which is to provide clarity of status to family members.
There are also physical and non-physical adoption records (accessible online), where adoption records
that can be accessed online are generally free of charge but have complicated requirements to be able
to access them. The complex requirements set for accessing adoption records online aim to maintain
the confidentiality and security of data.

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