Is DNA Testing In Israel Legal Or Illegal? (2024) | Genetics Ancestry


My friend Marya from Israel and I were talking about the rising interest in genealogy around the world. I am always curious about new methodologies adopted in DNA testing services. This time I asked my friend about the DNA test in Israel.  A person’s desire to know their genealogy can be a fascinating yet complicated journey in Israel due to the legal procedures involved in Israel. I was curious to know are DNA tests allowed in israel? In this blog post, I will talk about what Marya shared about the use of DNA testing, its benefits, drawbacks, unique insights of Israeli. 

Israel’s Rich Heritage 

The people of Israel come from a great variety of ethnic backgrounds, religions, and cultures. From Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews to Arab Israelis to immigrants from all over the world, the genetic composition of Israel reflects centuries of emigration, interfaith marriage, and past events. So can you do a DNA Test in Israel? There are benefits and drawbacks to this variety for people who are researching their origins through DNA testing.

Israel’s ethnicity  Percentage 
Ashkenazi Jewish 51.6%
Sephardic Jewish – North African 22.8%
Middle Eastern 21.2%
Italian 15.5%
West Asian 14.3%

During a conversation with my Israeli friend, to my astonishment I came to know that people in Israel who are interested in discovering more about their ancestors face unique challenges because of the rigorous restrictions that limit the use of DNA test in Israel. Unlike Americans, who may easily access such kits, Israelis are prohibited from obtaining them without a court order due to the Genetic Information Law. Why are DNA tests banned in Israel? This is because of the Genetic Information Law. This rule states that genetic testing can be done only under the supervision of certified professionals under court orders to get reliable, safe, and ethical standard maintaining results. Being a Jewish state, there are certain measures taken for national security and personal privacy. To avoid any misuse of genetic information, individuals must undergo examination and provide strong reasons in front of the judiciary for testing. 

DNA tests in Israel

Procedures and Locations for Paternity Testing in Israel

With such strict rules, where can you get a DNA Test in Israel? In Israel, a paternity test is usually performed in one of four hospital laboratories: 

  • Rabin on the Beilinson Campus in Petah Tikva -Tel Hashomer at Sheba Medical Centre 
  • Hadassah Ein Karem in Jerusalem 
  • Rambam Medical Centre in Haifa 

The filing of a paternity claim with the court starts the procedure. A court order directing the conduct of a tissue typing test is issued if no objections are voiced and the State Attorney’s Office concurs.

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Selecting Between Tests on the Saliva and Blood Sample 

I asked Marya, ” Can you take a DNA Test in Israel? She said yes, with a blood or saliva sample. 

People in Israel who are having paternity testing can choose to donate a saliva sample (generally from youngsters) or blood sample (commonly from adults) for the test to be performed. This adaptability takes into account the various interests and situations of the test participants.

Costs and Procedures for Ancestry Testing in Israel as of April 2018

Depending on the facility selected, paternity DNA tests in Israel  have different costs and methods. Three samples are usually needed, preferably from the child as well as one from each parent. 

  • Blood tests are performed by Hadassah Ein Karem for NIS 1,330 each sample. 
  • Blood tests are also available at Tel Hashomer; the cost is NIS 1,150 per sample. 
  • Saliva tests cost NIS 1,725 per sample and are typically performed overseas.
  • Blood and saliva tests are available at Beilinson Campus Petach Tikva, Rabin, and Rambam Haifa for the same fee per sample, NIS 1,140 and NIS 1,331, respectively. 

The laboratory doing the DNA test in Israel determines the precise kind of test required. Those looking for ancestry testing services in Israel have options thanks to these differences in pricing and process.

The Challenge of getting Authorization for a Paternity Test

There are competing interests even when applying for tissue testing to demonstrate eligibility for immigration or citizenship. Is it illegal to do a DNA test in Israel? This depends on what the court decides. The court wants to ensure that the child does not end up being a Mamzer, even though the child’s parents and other parties want to establish the child’s paternity. As a respondent in the case, the Ministry of the Interior might have an interest in preventing DNA tests in Israel from being administered. The fact that the child’s wishes differ from those of the parents makes everything much more challenging. The child is interested in knowing who his father is, which is an important right in and of itself, even in the absence of alimony or child support. The father could not be interested in confirming his paternity and paying alimony, while the mother may petition the court to do so.

Obstacles in Getting Authorization for Paternity Testing

Obtaining authorization for a DNA test in Israel can be complicated, especially when it comes to immigration or citizenship status. Conflicting interests frequently occur when the court seeks to avert problems like illegitimacy while the parents and child attempt to establish paternity. 

  • Parents and Child: They want to prove who is the father for a variety of reasons, such as identification and legal rights.
  • Court: In charge of verifying the child’s legitimacy and protecting against any legal issues.
  • Ministry of the Interior: Given the test’s potential effects on immigration and citizenship issues, they may oppose allowing it.


As we come to the end of the blog, I hope that you understand the complex interplay of culture, ethnic groups, immigrations, national security and legality makes up the scenario of DNA tests services in Israel. Different countries with different DNA testing regulations!

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